Monday, February 1, 2010

Its Been A Long Time

This is my first post in other a month, as well as my first post of the new year. Don't heckle me about not updating since before Christmas, it has been out of my hands. I spent my first real whole Swedish Christmas with my grandparents and family. No Internet out there in the middle of nowhere. I of course don't mean nowhere in a bad way. Yes, it is true after a while you get a bit of cabin fever, but being out there with the snow covered fields, family, a good book, and great food, is well worth not being connected to the "modern world." Then I spent a few wonderful days in Copenhagen with Anna's Line. It was great to visit her, as well as staying out till 4 in the morning, after being with my grandparents for 3 weeks. One can only take so much of a good thing. Then I was in L.A. for a blink of an eye. Coming back was really odd. It felt like no time had passed at all. Being able to visit family and just hang around at home was priceless. Of course that sentimental family time only lasted a few days, until our house was invaded by Swedes. Now this is partly my fault as I invited the 4 of them, but it was great to have them there. It is always a great experience to show friends around your home town, as it forces you to do and see things you wouldn't often do as a local. Regardless of how I may have bad mouthed big cities, there is nothing quite like looking out over the city at night. When its lit up like a christmas tree. It is really spectacular. And now I am here in Hawaii, and have been here for 2 weeks as of today. Oh my god, I hadn't even realized that until just now when I wrote it. Time truly flies. I stay here in Honolulu until the 12th, when we fly to the Big Island and will stay in Milolii, the last Hawaiian fishing village, for 10 days. Then I leave for my field study work in Borneo on the 28th. Then two weeks WWOOF-ing on a farm in Thailand, home in Sweden on the 24th of April. I will try to write again before I leave Hawaii, but not promises. I do promise, however, to put up my journal and pictures as soon as I can when I get back. Don't be afraid to write me an email, I still have time for my family and friends.
Until next time,