Friday, October 9, 2009

The time has come

I'm sitting in my room right now laying out everything I need to pack up. Pack up? Why? This weekend I embark on my class' first field trip. I literally mean field, we are going out into the real world. We are heading up to the Frozen Tundra of Northern Sweden. We will be spending 10 days studying the Sami people, you know, the ones with the reindeer. We will also go into Finland for a few days, you know, the place where all they do is drink vodka. I getting ready to spend at least 23 hours on a train so..... that will be fun. They just got their first snow so its gonna be cold. I'll keep a journal while I'm gone, and take lots of pictures for you to see.
Hope I don't run into any bears, or wolves, or get frostbite.
We will see

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