Monday, March 8, 2010

In the land of centipedes and banana fritters

My blog has been dead for far to long, and it seems it is about time to revive it before it dissapears into oblivion. Of course, I have good reason for my lack of posting. Traveling around the world takes time you know. I promise you now that when I get back home I will put up my travel journal, so you to can taste what I taste, smell what I smell, and see what I see, all without having to leave your computer or risk your precious toes and fingers. That is I promise I will keep, but I need your occasional push and prod to get it done. I am a bit of a procratinater. Now, with all the legal stuff out of the way, where do i begin? I am in the cirty of Kota Kinabalu, in the district of Sabah, on the Malaysian side of Borneo. Molly, Amanda, and I, are using KK as a staging ground between the trip we jsut took to Kudat, and our next move down to Miri. In Kudat we stayed with a British ex-pat, named Howard, working to set up a resort in the area. It was just by chance that we got in contact with hom through CouchSurfing, but we are certainly glad we did. Howard is an exuburant man, who has very strong connections with the Rungus people, Kudats indigenous group, and was more than happy to drag us along through his business in their villages. We had a great time and got to see a side of these people we never would have seen on our own. A truly amazing experience for an Anthropology student. So far, travelling has been great, and except for a few earthquakes, tsunamis, cancelled flights and lost bags, an absolute breeze. In five days we go to the jungle, and will be there for 2 1/2 weeks, and then we have more travels, with me finally ending up in Thailand working on an organic farm for two weeks. This is probably my last update until I am back in Sweden, so until then.

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