Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Time for an update

I realized that it has been awhile since my last post. So, 5 days after realizing that, here I go. Things here in Sweden are starting to go from dark to darker. I do mean that in the most literal sense. Sun starts to rise at 7:30 and set at 3:30, short days and long nights. Even the days are dark. Last week we had a "jättestorm", could be translated as a "very storm." But none the less a big storm. Steady winds of 20 m/s (45 mph!) and gusts of god knows what. The next morning there were reports of missing roofs, rouge gasoline tanks, and uprooted trees all through Skåne. My personal experience consisted of sitting in my room listening to rain hit the windows, not in the relaxing and soothing way, but in the oh my god my windows are gonna break and my room is gonna flood way. I also had to deal with the hissing sound of wind coming in through the cracks in the window seams and my little wall heater trying to keep itself alive. But none the less I survived. Also, the week before that I took part of a traditional Skånska celebration: Mårtins fest. This celebration includes the eating of roast goose and.... blood soup (svartsoppa.) Now, I have never eaten blood before and I had heard horror stories, so I didn't know what to expect. However, this story does not end with projectile vomiting or stomach ailments. It wasn't so bad! I'm not saying I am going to search for it and try to eat it, but if it comes down my road, hopefully not very often, I wouldn't abandon the idea of eating it again. It is made with goose blood and a variety of dried fruits. So, unsurprisingly, it tastes like bloody fruit. Well not bloody, not the irony kind at least, more like really strong liver or organ meat. The smell.... gingerbread cookies. So that was an experience. But one of my rules is to try everything once, and a second time if you didn't like it. I am also working on planning my trip to Borneo a little bit more, but its slow going and not much to talk about as of yet, but as soon as I make any major decision I will post them.
P.S.- I promised to write about my trip up North (journal style, like my Europe trip0. I am still working on it, but I think I will post the first few days I have done to try and stimulate myself to write more.

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