Friday, August 21, 2009

Amsterdam/Bruges/Berlin '09

8/01 Bruges, We Hardly Knew Yee
Bruges was a quaint place, but that's all i really have to say quaint. There is not much to do, and there are tourists everywhere. Plus, we were going to stay with someone we met at the hostel in Venice, but he didn't respond, so we had to rush and find a hostel. It all worked out but the hostel was like a converted hospital, not very conducive to having fun. Maybe I will come back when I have more money and can stay in a nicer place. But its no Venice of the North.

Not much to write, not because nothing happend, but I am pretty sure writing about it is a crime.

8/03 Hola Chicas!
This is why you travel. To find fun people and hang out. The Brazilians were the funniest people we have met the whole trip. They even made the tram ride to the Van Gogh museum fun.

8/04 Hostel #2
Glad we changed hostels, this one is cheaper, nicer, and has a coffeeshop downstairs.

8/05 Don’t be a buzkill… bicycles they are everywhere
These Brits arent as fun as they said they would be, but maybe thats a good thing. Maybe we need to slow our adventure down a bit. The free tour was great. Four hours, great guide, tons of information and stories. A perfect end to our Amsterdam trip.

8/06 I am a donut! (Ich bin ein Berliner)
I wish we could spend more than a day in Berlin. I can definetly tell I want to come back. The Holocaust and Berlin wall memorials were very moving. Its hard to imagine all the pain those people went through. And for what?

8/07 Sweden here we come
Four hours standing on a crowded train. At least I will get a home cooked meal tonight. The trip is done. I feel no regret or sadness, because I know a new adventure is about to begin.

1 comment:

  1. Berlin, that was interesting. Bah, Brazilians are never fun, they talk funny and only about Brazil. Self-obsessed buttholes. Haha, I'm a self-hater! The Brits weren't fun? That's probably cuz they're only funny when you're making fun of them.
