Friday, August 21, 2009


7/8/09 Late Night, Long Flight
It’s about 3 am; I’m sitting in the last row of a plane that appears to be from time immemorial. The 70’s color, carpets, and costumes make for a unique experience. Even with my earplugs in the roar of the engines and the drag of the wind seem to rattle my brain, but that might just be the nerves. I am leaving home and won’t be back as the same person. The distance hasn’t become apparent yet, as less then 6 hours ago I could hug my mom or pet my dog. I wouldn’t say I’m scared, but it unnerves me to some degree to know I could never come back. I look to my left at the large old woman next to me for some sort of unconscious reassurance that everything will work out, but all I see are sad eyes, and I need to look away.

7/9/09 Invalid Move Asshole
My worries have all but dissipated, the initial fear is replaced by excitement. It’s going to happen soon. I feel as though I never left the Burgh last summer, and fall back into the predictable routine at once. I’m still not sure what Zac will be like travelling, but he will either learn or get left behind. Modern day evolution at work. Did Darwin expect the world to turn out this way? A place where one species could be so different just by being separated by the ocean. Well I suppose its both the years and history behind them. That and divergent evolution. And who knew a game of solitaire could be so fun?

7/10/09 The Paranoia Always Sets In

7/11/09 God Forgives All, Even That
It’s somewhere around 2 am, on our way to McDonalds. I cant believe it, and I just saw a sign that has sent me flying like a brick to the face. Doubt. That’s what its all about. You doubt yourself; you doubt others, and you apparently, by doubting a sign written by a man, God. I have doubts that I have been able to quell and others not. Doesn’t that make me human? Or just a blasphemous satanic nut. Driving at night puts one in a stupor, but everything seems more vivid. An otherwise boring uneventful American day just became meaningful.

7/13/09 I Cant Say No

7/14/09 Our Last Night
One more night until we leave. I keep tossing and turning thinking of all the things we will do, and all the things we will see. I can't believe I've already been in Pittsburgh for a week. To tell you the truth the whole thing is a bit of a blur as I was always looking ahead, not concentrating on the present. But what do you expect when you are about to embark on the biggest adventure of your life?

7/15/09 Up In The Air
I can't believe we are already on our way. Hours of planning and months of anticipation and the day has arrived. We fly from Pittsburgh to Dulles, Dulles to London, and London to Rome. I just hope I can sleep on the plane.... we will see.

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