Saturday, September 5, 2009

Am I Proud?

I am proud to be an American, but I am disappointed as well.
I am proud of the fact that you can go to a good school, but not that you have to be rich to do it.
I am proud that we gave rights and laws to protect us, but not that big companies can pretend they don't exist, and get away with it.
I am proud of our scientific leaps, but not of how we use and abuse them.
I am proud of the American dream, but not that money can buy you one.
I am proud of our ability to excel, but not that we would kill 1000's to save a buck.
It is in these greedy companies and crony favoritists that I lose my faith and pride.
How can we preach and condem others, while underneath our glorious facade lays deciet, fraud and corruption.
We say Americans are hard workers and its true, but its all about money, taking advantage of people, and finding a quick fix.
We have lost the American spirit of working for what you have, and gained the idea that if I can make more money and do less work I am working hard for what i get.
Goodbye to the Joads, and hello to American Family Inc.
Its Monsanto's world now.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Max, I am finally getting around to having a read. Sounds like an amazing trip. Are you actually taking classes then in Tomalilla? (sp?) Are they easy? When is this Borneo field study taking place? What's the program you're in? Is your Swedish coming back/going forward to what it needs to be for you to study in Swedish?

    Don't worry too much about the sleeping in phase - you're aware of it, you're mindful of it - it is something you must need right now, for whatever reasons, and just know that it is a phase and shall pass, too...

    Best to you, Max. Enjoy each day -sounds like you are. Take good care. Ms. Larson
